
The evolution of software

Throughout the course of history, we have created technologies to enable access for everyone to formerly known inaccessible mediums. We learned that when more people use certain mediums, and the easier we make them to use, innovation and creativity skyrockets.


Lowcode vs. Nocode

Organizations are transforming their IT landscape from standard software packages to applications based on low code or no code on an increasing level. But what’s the difference between lowcode and nocode?


The new era of software development

Most software and funding announcements seem to be including some reference to “low code” platforms or functionality. The frequent usage of this trendy buzzword implies we are entering a new era of software development.


Q&A: How we make remote work work

Many companies are forced to work from home and it has become a challenge to maintain productivity. Remote productivity is in BizzStream’s DNA as we need to distribute information digitally to colleagues in different countries. What do we do to increase productivity when working remotely? Read and find out.


5 ways BizzStream helps you through the corona crisis

The corona crisis hits us all and has an enormous impact on the economy. It is extremely important to be ready for times to come. BizzStream can help you through the corona crisis in multiple ways.


What to expect from BizzStream Aero?

A new generation of BizzStream is around the corner. But what makes BizzStream Aero different from the current version?


BizzStream to Kiev!

We are very proud that the Maxedy team is expanding its international presence, but sometimes it can be tricky to have to do everything remotely. For that reason, the entire Maxedy team travelled to Kiev last week to enjoy a full week of productivity – and fun!


Flexibility in day-to-day business structure

Hi! I’m Jamie, and I’m an Agile Coach at BizzStream. I’m always looking for ways to improve agile approaches, or encourage people to use them more.


Strength in simplicity

Complexity in organisations As an organisation grows, so does its need for structure. In a certain sense, that structure is always present – but it often grows seamlessly in a smaller organisation.


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